Special items are items that can be added to each menu of the GUI. You can customize the item, the slot and you can bind a command to them that will be executed when the item is clicked.
How to add
In the "FriendSystem" folder of the Spigot plugin, find the "gui" folder. This folder has different GUI configuration files for the available languages. Open the file for the language that you've chosen.
In this YAML file, you'll find all the details like GUI Titles, GUI sizes, items, and slots for each GUI menu. At the end of each menu's section, you will find a 'specialItems: []' part.
To add specialItems you can take a look at this example:
- ==: me.sk8ingduck.friendsystemgui.util.SpecialItem # don't change this
==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
v: 3465 # dataversion, used for compatibility between versions
type: PAPER # the item type
==: ItemMeta
meta-type: UNSPECIFIC
display-name: 'The display-name of the item'
- 'This will be the first line of the lore'
- 'This will be the second line of the lore'
- '... and so on'
custom-model-data: 3713 # If you want to use custom-model-data
slot: 21
playerCommand: true # if false the command will be run through the console
command: /tpa %SELECTED_PLAYER% # the command
- ==: me.sk8ingduck.friendsystemgui.util.SpecialItem # here begins the 2nd item
==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
v: 3465
type: DIRT
==: ItemMeta
meta-type: UNSPECIFIC
display-name: 'Dont click me'
slot: 12
playerCommand: true
command: /kill %PLAYER% # :D