The plugin is available on these marketplaces as a premium plugin:
Installation Plugin
Proxy servers (if you have a Bungeecord / Velocity proxy):
Place the FriendSystem-Bungee.jar / FriendSystem-Velocity.jar file in the plugins folder of your BungeeCord / Velocity server
Restart BungeeCord / Velocity
Place the FriendSystem-Spigot.jar file in the plugins folder of your minecraft server
Reload the minecraft server
Configure individual messages in the messages.yml or GUI design with the /editgui command
Spigot-only servers (if you DONT have a Bungeecord / Velocity proxy):
Place the FriendSystem-Spigot-Standalone.jar file in the plugins folder of minecraft server
Reload the minecraft server
Configure individual messages in the messages.yml or GUI design with the /editgui command
Installation Custom GUI
Vanilla (if you are not using Oraxen / ItemsAdder):
Upload the Resource Pack on a website of your choice (for example
Set the resource pack URL in your to the uploaded file
Restart your Server
Join the server and type /editgui enableCustomGui
Oraxen / ItemsAdder:
Copy the Oraxen / ItemsAdder folder into your plugins folder
Reload Oraxen/ItemsAdder
Join the server and type /editgui enableCustomGui
Last updated