Bungeecord/Velocity Config

This is how the settings config for the bungeecord/velocity plugin looks like

# The language specifies the language used for the chat messages.
# The GUI language can be changed in the settings.yml file of the spigot plugin
language: english

  enabled: true
  # If 'global' is true, then tab completion completes ALL players that are 
  # currently connected on the proxy, otherwise it's server-specific
  global: true
    - help
    - toggleinvites
    - togglemsgs
    - togglejump
    - togglenotifies
    - list
    - requests
    - status
    - add
    - remove
    - accept
    - deny
    - jump
    - favourite
  # Here you can specify the subcommands after which the playernames will be suggested
    - add
    - remove
    - accept
    - deny
    - jump
    - favourite

  # 'onlineFriendsCount' is the minimum number of online friends required,
  # to get the notification 'there are currently X friends online' when you join the server
  onlineFriendsCount: 1
  # 'requestsCount' is the minimum number of friend requests required,
  # to get the notification 'you have X pending friend requests' when you join the server
  requestsCount: 1

# This is the format that will be used to show dates
# (for example: You're friends with ... since [DATE])
dateTimeFormat: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'

# Here you can specify the duration for which a friend request will be available to the player.
# The time unit is minutes.
  enabled: false
  duration: 1440 # this is 1 day

# Here you can specify the friends / requests per page in the /friend list or /friend requests command
  friendsPerPage: 5
  requestsPerPage: 5

  friendsLimit: false # if disabled, then you can have unlimited friends.
  # You can create as many maxfriends groups as you want below
  # and give them 'friendsystem.maxfriends.<group>' permission
    default: 5
    premium: 25
    premium_plus: 50
    youtuber: 100
    moderator: 500

    enabled: true
    command: '/friend' # this means that the commands starts with /friend
    permissionNeeded: false # If enabled, you will need 'friendsystem.commands.friend' permission
    aliases: '/friends'
    enabled: true
    command: '/msg'
    permissionNeeded: false # If enabled, you will need 'friendsystem.commands.msg' permission
    aliases: '/message, /tell'
    enabled: true
    command: '/r'
    permissionNeeded: false # permission: friendsystem.commands.r
    aliases: '/reply'
    enabled: true
    command: '/party'
    permissionNeeded: false # permission: friendsystem.commands.party
    aliases: ''
    enabled: true
    command: '/p'
    permissionNeeded: false # permission: friendsystem.commands.p
    aliases: ''

# If false, then the /msg and /r command will be inside the /friend command (so /friend msg <player> <msg>)
# If true, then /msg and /r will be separate commands
separateMsgCommand: true

# List of servers that players will not be transferred to when the party joins them
  - lobby

Last updated