The plugin is available on these marketplaces as a premium plugin:
Installation Plugin
Do not install both plugins!
If you have a Bungeecord server, put the PunishmentSystem-Bungee.jar in the plugins folder of your bungeecord server.
If you have a Spigot only server, put the PunishmentSystem-Spigot.jar in the plugins folder of your spigot server.
Installation Web Admin Panel
Upload the website to your webserver and rename the folder (for example 'punishment')
Enter your MySQL data in the settings.php file. MySQL data must be the same as on the Bungeecord / Spigot server.
Open the website in your browser (www.<your-website>.<domain>/punishment)
Log in with the username 'admin' and password 'admin' and create a new user with full permissions.
Logout from the admin account. The admin account will then be disabled.
Last updated